Navigating Inside Actions Module
Reality Hub offers various methods to help you quickly navigate inside the Actions:
Adding a Property to Timeline
You can employ two different methods to add a Property/Action to Action Timeline:
- First Method: Click on the
Add Timeline button. This will directly add the property into Action Timeline. See also Node Property Toolset.
- Second Method: Right-click on the Property and select the
Expanding and Contracting Time Ruler
You can expand or contract the Action animation's duration by selecting the keyframe and changing its location inside the timeline. While changing the keyframe location, it snaps in every frame for accurate placement.
To change the keyframe location with more accurate precision, you can expand or contract the Time Ruler via the following steps:
- Hover your mouse over the Time Ruler.
- Zoom in by rolling the mouse wheel forward.
Panning Time Ruler
The Time Ruler can be panned to the left and right by right-clicking and holding the left mouse button. This is a handy feature when you have detailed action animations.