Reality Editor Tutorials
📄️ Open/Close Door
In this tutorial, we will learn the basics of using function exposing. We will rotate the door using the Timeline component. This tutorial focuses on three topics:
📄️ Exporting UE Actor to ZD API (a.k.a ZDActor)
In this tutorial, we will reflect our Actor object to the Reality Setup. An Actor is any object that can be placed into a level. Actors are a generic Class that supports 3D transformations such as translation, rotation, and scale. Actors can be spawned and can be destroyed. You can add specific actor components like Particle Component, Billboard Component, or Scene Component. The ZD Actor Component exposes an actor node object into Reality Setup.
🗃️ Custom Blueprint Node Tutorials
2 items
📄️ Redirection of the Reality Engine Content
Reality "Engine Content" moved into "Plugin Content" since Reality 2.10 is Plugin. When you convert your projects which has older version than Reality 2.10 you should update your assets. Convert your old project with Reality 4.26 Editor and once it is complete you will see a message log like this, press "x" to close.
📄️ Creating Dynamic Materials
In this tutorial, we will be creating a Dynamic Material Instance on blueprints to change a texture dynamically. We will be utilizing a ZD Actor component and expose it to the Reality Hub as a node.
📄️ Changing ZDText with Dynamic String
In this tutorial, we will change the text on Reality Setup. We attach ZD TEXT COMPONENT into our Actor instance.
📄️ Activating Destructible Mesh
In this tutorial, we will destroy a destructible mesh using property binding from Reality Editor to Reality Setup. Destructible Mesh is a mesh form that could be destructed by having damage. We are planning to destruct a mesh during on run-time by exposing a variable into Reality Setup.
📄️ Reality Texture Input
The texture implementation process lets you feed your actors with different sources such as still images, videos, or live inputs. To set an example, if your design contains a virtual screen, one of the ways to feed that screen is using the Reality Texture Input.
📄️ Activating Fire During Runtime
Reality Editor has some differential features to binding on property changed functions. For example, we are able to activate/deactivate the particle systems depends on the change of the variable. To expose this change to the Reality Setup, we need to create a function named OnChanged_VariableName. VariableName should be the same name as the main variable name that will be changed.
📄️ Asset Migration to Another Project
When working with multiple projects, sometimes an asset needs to be used in another project. In this tutorial, the piano will be migrated from one project to another.
📄️ Rotating Door by Using Function Parameters
In this example, we will learn the using of function exposing using the Reality Editor feature. We will rotate the door using two of parameters Degree and Speed. Regarding to parameter values the rotation of the door changed with interpolation speed.
📄️ Creating Custom Cyclorama
* Create a cyclorama mesh in your 3D design tools, such as 3DS Max, Maya, or Blender.